Tips for Tree Changers: Survive Your Rural Removal

Tired of the hectic urban pace, many city-dwelling Aussies are mulling over moving to a rural location. Thousands have already made the move, according to an article in

Whether you’re moving to the Blue Mountains or to the scenic South West, there are several aspects of rural living you need to consider before you sell your Sydney home.


Expect Cheaper Housing, Yet Fewer Jobs


Indeed, you can pick up a larger block of property for less in rural Australia. With real estate prices in major cities skyrocketing, the thought of a laid-back lifestyle in the country is tempting. Yet remember, unless you telecommute, it may be more difficult to find a job in your field.

With the population being way lower than that of the city, rural areas often don’t have as much demand for certain types of work. Search out job opportunities before you sell your current home. Set aside an emergency fund in case finding work is more difficult than you thought. Alternatively, you could learn another trade or start a business.

Make sure, though, that you give yourself plenty of options so you can continue to enjoy rural life.


Become Self-Reliant, But Know Your Neighbours


Learn to enjoy your own company: For many people who move from the city to a rural location, the relative isolation can be a shocker. Make sure you have adequate connectivity if you need it for your work. Learn where the nearest medical facilities are.

Plan trips to town for supplies carefully. You can’t run to the corner store 24/7 if you forget something. Have plenty of petrol in your car in case of emergencies. Have a first aid kit at the ready and plenty of water in case the power goes out.

Take up hobbies that don’t require others’ participation. Learn how to make minor repairs since tradespeople are few in rural areas. Learn to cook quick meals. Takeaway shops in the country are few and far between.

Love thy neighbours: Another aspect of rural living that confounds recent arrivals from the city is the sheer nosiness of one’s neighbours.

Coming from an urban jungle where you may not even know your neighbours to an area in which your fellow residents seem to know every aspect of your business may, at first, be off-putting. This is actually a good thing, though. In a rural area, neighbours often are the first to lend a hand in an emergency.

Get to know your neighbours. Invite them to your home for a chat and a cup of tea. Offer to help them when they need it, and you’ll find them eager to reciprocate when you have a need. Finally, even if they do seem a bit condescending, listen to them.

They know the area, its hazards, and its resources better than you. Heeding their advice may save you time and trouble down the road. Who knows? They may even help you unpack boxes after the removalists are gone!


Learn about the Region’s Hazards and Resources


Some of the country’s rural areas are susceptible to bushfires, particularly in the dry season. Have escape routes planned, as well as a backup route, so you can get to safety if one occurs. Wildlife, too, can pose a hazard. Make sure your pets are properly vaccinated and safely housed, your children forewarned, and that you update your first aid kit often.

When you follow these tips, your removal to your new rural lifestyle has a great chance to succeed. To learn more about moving to parts of rural Australia—or to book your rural move, contact Zoom Removals’ friendly customer service team today.

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