Moving House With a Dog : Moving With Pets : Part 1

You think moving across the country or across town can be a challenge for you and your household? Just think how stressful it can be for your dog.

As a rational creature with access to services that can make moving easier, such as free moving boxes from your removalist removals insurance, packing services and more, moving need not be a huge deal for you.

Dogs, on the other hand, are creatures of routine. New routines, such as the hustle and bustle that occurs when you start packing up belongings in boxes—not to mention when the removalists arrive—can upset your dog.

The other aspect of moving house with a dog is that it can send your dog into an emotional tailspin is the variety of new smells in your new home. Because a dog’s sense of smell is much more developed than a human’s, your dog may become upset when he or she senses that strangers—the removalists—have entered your home.

The scent of your new home’s former occupants, too, may confuse your dog. Here are some tips from the professional removalists from Zoom Removals to help your move go smoothly for your pup as well.

Keep Mealtime and Training Times Consistent

As best as you can, says pet care expert Kristina Lotz, stick to your dog’s normal schedule. Meals, training time, and walks should keep to the same schedule your dog normally keeps.

During the Removal and House Showings, Plan to Keep Your Dog in a Familiar Place

If strangers cause your dog anxiety, find a trusted friend or doggie daycare to keep your dog when you show your home and when the removalists arrive.

Keep Your Dog with You When You Move

On moving day itself, plan to travel with your dog at your side. Your dog will appreciate your presence to help keep calm. When your dog travels with you, it will seem like just another vacation with his family.

Make Sure Your Dog Is Up to Date on Vaccinations

Don’t forget to check the state laws in your new location. Make sure you meet all the vaccination requirements in your new home. Find a trusted veterinarian in your new location and transfer all your dog’s medical records there.

Make Sure Your Dog Has Proper ID

If possible, have your dog microchipped in case he gets loose during the moving process. At the very least, have a tag with your new contact information fastened securely to his or her collar.

Bring Your Dog’s Favourite Toys and Blanket

Don’t allow the removalists to take all your dog’s equipment. Keep a favourite blanket and toy with you when you travel. If you have to board your dog or plan to fly him or her in cargo, make sure he or she has a familiar blanket and toy during the journey.

Once You Arrive, Keep Your Dog on Leash for a While

Your dog may become confused at your new location. He or she might even try to run away to your old home. Until your dog has acclimated to the new home, use a leash when you take him or her outside.

With these tips, moving house with a dog can be a stress-free experience, just as you will when you book your removal with the caring professionals at Zoom Removals. Book your move or contact the Zoom Removals team today on 300 788 165.

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