How to Move Out after a Breakup

After a breakup, there’s a good chance the last thing you’re thinking about is calling a removalist. One of you, however, or perhaps both, will need to move out.

Here are some tips from the Zoom Removals to help you keep from at least some of the stress of parting ways.

Allow Reason to Rule the Day


Though breaking up, admittedly, is one of the most emotional moments of one’s life, you need to keep a clear head when you decide who and what goes and stays. Married couples who have signed a prenuptial contract may have an easier time since the agreement spells out most of the important details.

Couples in a partnership arrangement or married couples without a prenuptial agreement need to come to an agreement on how the belongings are split. It may be a good idea to store the belongings that are in dispute at a neutral location until you can sort things out.

One of you might choose to live in temporary housing so both of you can process your emotions during this difficult time. Take only a few essential belongings with you and in the meantime, take advantage of storage solutions in Sydney for the rest of your belongings —and none of those that are in dispute—until you have come to an agreement about your common belongings.

If you cannot come to an agreement—even after a cooling-off period, consider having a mediator step in to help you negotiate belongings and living arrangements.


Don’t Grieve Alone


You may think that it’s better if you process your emotions by yourself during the packing process, but in reality, that’s not the case. The worries, uncertainty, and even the physical challenges of splitting up can cause a downward spiral if you endure them on your own, says noted psychiatrist Edward Hallowell.

Instead, find a trusted friend to help you sort through your more emotionally laden belongings. Consider paying a little extra for a movers and packers service so your removalists can assist and pack the rest of your belongings quickly and efficiently so you can separate yourself from the grief. Use the extra time to pamper yourself at your favourite spa or eatery.

If you’re still in the doldrums emotionally, consider therapy to help you get through this difficult time. Professional therapists can help you process your emotions better than you can on your own, particularly if the breakup was a difficult one.


Schedule Moving Day at a Time When Your Ex-Partner Is Away


If at all possible, book a date and time when your ex-partner won’t be around when the removalists arrive. It will be tough enough to see your belongings—or your partner’s—moved out of the house, let alone seeing him or her during the process.


Treat Yourself in Your New Home


If you’re in the throes of a breakup, don’t panic. Contact the understanding removalists at Zoom Removals for help with the practical aspects of moving out today.

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