How to Make Your New Digs Feel Like Home

When you move house, it may be an adventure, but your new home may feel more like a hotel than a home at first. This strangeness can cause many people to feel out of sorts—even stressed out.

Here are some tips from our experienced removalists to help you get settled in your new home from the get-go.

First, Organise Your Closet

It may seem counter-intuitive, but when you arrange your closet the way you had it in your old home—and do that even before you put up your favourite knick-knacks—you’ll feel more relaxed. When you can find the things you need right away without a frantic search, you feel more relaxed, say the homemaking experts at Good Housekeeping.

That’s why we at Zoom Removals advise our customers to pack about a week’s worth of clothing and other necessities in a special box that travels with them to the new home. Make sure that the rest of your current wardrobe is packed near the back of the moving truck, too, so we can unpack it first. That way, you can put your things right in your new closet and breathe a sigh of relief the next morning.

Create a Familiar Environment

Your favourite things. Your favourite sounds. Your favourite scents. As soon as your closet is in good order, start unpacking things that will make you feel at home no matter where you are. A lamp that you’ve kept by your bedside, a bedspread that cuddles you like a warm hug—photographs.

Put them out. If you have a favourite home scent, plug it in. Favourite sounds? The tick of a clock can even evoke familiarity, as can the bubbling of your aquarium pump. If you have favourite pieces of art, lean them against the wall so you can see them even before you hang them up.

Put these things, too, in the back of the moving truck, so you can unpack them first. When you evoke a feeling of the familiar, the stress of being in a new place evaporates quickly.

Recreate Your Normal Daily Routine

As soon as you can, settle into normal. Eat at the same times you did in your former home. Use the same china. Eat your favourite foods. Start cooking. Settle into your work routine as soon as you can. If you have children in school, get them started back as soon as possible. If you can, have them make some friends ahead of the move so they’ll have some familiar faces to show them around their new school.

Sleep in Your Old Beds

No matter how tempted you are to buy new furniture, resist at first. The feeling of your old bed can cradle you in comfort while you get used to your new home. Buy new furniture later on, when you’re more used to your new surroundings.

If you do decide to buy a new bed and need help moving it, then why not check out our bed movers page for more information!

Create a Familiar Environment for Your Children

When you redo your kids’ new room to resemble their old one, it will make them feel more secure. Place their beds at the same angle, their toy box in the same place. If they normally sleep with a favourite toy or a pet, allow them to do so. Keep their routines the same as they were in your old home. No matter how busy you are, take the time to read them a story, if that is part of your normal bedtime routine. When your kids are happy, it lessens the stress load for the whole family.

Many removalists offer a movers and packers service, so you may even want to allow your removalists to pack your things on your behalf so you can spend more time with your children during the crucial transition time. You may also want to consider removals insurance for complete peace of mind during your move.

Surrounded by familiar things, familiar sounds, and familiar smells, you’ll be settled into your new home before you know it. For more information on how to make moving a positive experience for everyone—or to book your move—contact the expert team of removalists at Zoom Removals today.

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